Installation of GTCP30-92 or GTCP30-92C auxiliary power unit.
Installation of GTCP 30-92C auxiliary power unit.
Installation of Honeywell N1 Digital Electronic Engine Controls (DEEC)
Installation of conical spinner or spinners IAW Garrett Aviation Services drawing list report number 121879, dtd 12/18/70, no revision, or later FAA approved revision.
Installation of an AllliedSignal Aerospace TFE731-3D-1(F,K) Turbofan Engine.
Installation of Eldec engine fuel flow and totalizer system.
Installation of AiResearch GTCP 36-100(H) auxiliary power unit. Limited to installation on serial number 1329-23E, serial number 5112 ONLY.
Installation of Solar gas turbine auxiliary power unit T-62T-40C.
Installation of Solar T-62T-39 gas turbine auxiliary power unit.
Installation of a Garrett GTCP 36-150W auxiliary power unit for ground use only.