
STC Number
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Replace first and business class seats. Change seat count from 18F048B-332Y to 18F-73B-258Y. New first class seats utilize electric footrest. New business class seats seat seven across. Modify all soft goods. Modify galleys by removing Qantas hot water boilers and installing United Air Lines coffeemakers and warmers. Additional stowage module installed at door 5. Relocate video monitors, pods and screens. Establish C’ zone. This installation is in accordance with United Air Lines DAS-1-WE Approved Drawing List No. 2783 dated January 30, 1991, or later FAA approved revision.

Boeing 747

Product Description

Replace first and business class seats. Change seat count from 18F048B-332Y to 18F-73B-258Y. New first class seats utilize electric footrest. New business class seats seat seven across. Modify all soft goods. Modify galleys by removing Qantas hot water boilers and installing United Air Lines coffeemakers and warmers. Additional stowage module installed at door 5. Relocate video monitors, pods and screens. Establish C’ zone. This installation is in accordance with United Air Lines DAS-1-WE Approved Drawing List No. 2783 dated January 30, 1991, or later FAA approved revision.

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Reissued
STC Date: 30/11/11
Responsible Office: Ft. Worth Special Certification Office (ASW-190), Tel: (817) 222-5190

Boeing Company, The

  • 747-200B Series