Front Lower Cowling Modification (Reference H-01-11-Capot)Separation of cowling in two halves reassembled by fasteners.Note: this STC is also applicable to front lower cowlings modified asper STC EASA.R.S.01359.Revision 1 consists in a minor design change involving a modification tothe reassembly of...
Front Lower Cowling Modification (Reference H-01-11-Capot)Separation of cowling in two halves reassembled by fasteners.Note: this STC is also applicable to front lower cowlings modified asper STC EASA.R.S.01359.Revision 1 consists in a minor design change involving a modification tothe reassembly of...
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Revision Level REV. 1
STC Date: 13/08/14
Responsible Office:
2. AS355F, AS355F1, AS355F2
2. AS355E, AS355N, AS355NP
1. AS350B, AS350BA, AS350BB
1. AS350B1, AS350B2, AS350D