
STC Number
Contact Details


Operation of airplane on leaded or unleaded automotive gasoline, 91 minimum antiknock index(RON+MON)/2 per ASTM Specification D-439. Inter-mixing with aviation gasoline also approved.

Product Description

Operation of airplane on leaded or unleaded automotive gasoline, 91 minimum antiknock index(RON+MON)/2 per ASTM Specification D-439. Inter-mixing with aviation gasoline also approved.

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Issued
STC Date: 17/04/90
Responsible Office: Wichita Aircraft Certification Office (ACE-115W), Tel: (316) 946-4100

Piper Aircraft, Inc., The New

  • PA-18A (Restricted Cat.)
  • PA-18A-'135' (Restricted Cat.)
  • PA-18A-'150' (Restricted Cat.)