Installation of Avio economy and business class seats with Lumexis FTTSIFE system.Installation of Lumexis Fiber-To-The-Screen (FTTS) In-Seat AVODIn-Flight Entertainment System on AVIO "Centaurus" Economy Class en"Perseus" Business Class seats and installation of Kid Systeme ISPS on"Perseus" Business...
Installation of Avio economy and business class seats with Lumexis FTTSIFE system.Installation of Lumexis Fiber-To-The-Screen (FTTS) In-Seat AVODIn-Flight Entertainment System on AVIO "Centaurus" Economy Class en"Perseus" Business Class seats and installation of Kid Systeme ISPS on"Perseus" Business...
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Revision Level REV. 1
STC Date: 04/10/17
Responsible Office: