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Heli-One offers installation of EO/IR camera in different helicopter types. We already have certified installation for of FLIR STAR SAFIRE® HD, FLIR Ultra Force II, Sea FLIR etc. A flexible solution with different sensor types, operator’s console, multi function displays, recorder, video downlink etc. can be offered.

Your needs

Installation of IR/EO camera with operator's console

Your benefits

The FLIR STAR SAFIRE® HD thermal imaging system consists of an IR camera and a CCD HD daylight camera with 120 x zoom. Options like laser range finder, laser illuminator and laser pointer can be offered as well as synchronization with search light or radar. The camera is qualified to MIL –STD.

FLIR Ultra Force II EP thermal imaging system consists of an IR camera and a CCD daylight camera with 18 x zoom. A spotter scope can give 0,4° field of view. Options like laser range finder, laser illuminator and laser pointer can be offered as well as synchronization with search light or radar. The camera is qualified to MIL –STD.

Can Easily be upgraded to other camera types

Airbus Helicopters AS332 L|L1|L2, H215

Product Description

Installation of STAR SAFIRE FLIR system consisting of external mount,internal and external cabling and installation of mission console inCabin.

Please contact modification supplier for further details.



Your benefits

The FLIR STAR SAFIRE® HD thermal imaging system consists of an IR camera and a CCD HD daylight camera with 120 x zoom. Options like laser range finder, laser illuminator and laser pointer can be offered as well as synchronization with search light or radar. The camera is qualified to MIL –STD.

FLIR Ultra Force II EP thermal imaging system consists of an IR camera and a CCD daylight camera with 18 x zoom. A spotter scope can give 0,4° field of view. Options like laser range finder, laser illuminator and laser pointer can be offered as well as synchronization with search light or radar. The camera is qualified to MIL –STD.

Can Easily be upgraded to other camera types