B737 PM-CPDLC ACARS CMU II UPGRADEInstallation of HoneywellACARS Mark II CMU+ and associated wiringchanges. The targetaircraft for this STC are currently provisioned forACARSCMU’s and will be upgraded to modify the wiring configuration toenable installation of the Mark II Honeywell 965-0758-006 AC...
B737 PM-CPDLC ACARS CMU II UPGRADEInstallation of HoneywellACARS Mark II CMU+ and associated wiringchanges. The targetaircraft for this STC are currently provisioned forACARSCMU’s and will be upgraded to modify the wiring configuration toenable installation of the Mark II Honeywell 965-0758-006 AC...
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Revision Level
STC Date: 11/09/18
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