Installation of consoles, toggle switches, circuit breakersandreplacement wiring harnesses in accordance with Geneva Aviation MasterDrawing List GA107.This STC is the validation of FAA STC No. SH4747NM (issued on July 26,1989)Revision 2 follows re-issuance of FAA STC No. SH4747NM on October 28,2015... EASA.IM.R.S.01343 FAA SH4747NM
Installation of consoles, toggle switches, circuit breakersandreplacement wiring harnesses in accordance with Geneva Aviation MasterDrawing List GA107.This STC is the validation of FAA STC No. SH4747NM (issued on July 26,1989)Revision 2 follows re-issuance of FAA STC No. SH4747NM on October 28,2015...
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Revision Level REV. 3
STC Date: 18/03/16
Responsible Office:
AS350B, AS350B1, AS350B2
AS350B3, AS350BA, AS350D