The GH-3100 Electronic Standby Instrument System provides a backup system for the following information: attitude, air data, heading, and navigation.
The GH-3100 Electronic Standby Instrument System (ESIS) represents the next-generation of standby instrument technologies and capabilities for mid- to large cabin business turboprops and jets and helicopters, as well as air transport category aircraft. Along with being a full-function standby ADI, the GH-3100 offers pilots an unmatched array of configuration options, including customizable colors and visual flight cues, as well as displayed information tailored to Part 25 aircraft.
The Electronic Standby Indicator is a 3 ATI, self-contained solid state instrument that uses a color active matrix liquid crystal display to provide a visual display of attitude (pitch and roll), and slip/skid information computed from an internal three-axis inertial sensor cluster. Air data information for baro corrected altitude, air speed, mach number, and vertical speed are provided by pitot and static inputs. Built-in interfaces provide additional navigation information. A bezel mounted light sensor provides automatic display dimming capability, with manual offset control achieved through the menu mode.