
STC Number
Contact Details


Validation of FAA STC ST02961CH - Approved configurations are thefollowing:- Configuration 1: Replacement of Honeywell Weather Radar System RDR-4Bwith Honeywell Honeywell Weather Radar RDR-
4000<(>,<)>-Configuration 2: Software upgrade to Honeywell WRS RDR-4
Limitations: None.
Conditions: 1) Prior to installation of this STC it must be determined that theinterrelationship between this STC and any other previously installedmodification and / or repair will introduce no adverse effect upon theairworthiness of the product. 2) This STC is EASA

Boeing 737 NextGen

Product Description

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Revision Level: n/a
STC Date: 7-9-2012
Responsible Office:
