Defines cargo loads and cargo load limitations for 727 Series airplanes converted from passenger airplanes to cargo airplanes per the STC SA1368SO, or SA1444SO, or SA1509SO and SA1667SO for the 727-100 Series airplane, and STC SA1509SO and SA1543SO, or SA1797SO and SA1798SO for the 727-200 Series airplane.
Defines cargo loads and cargo load limitations for 727 Series airplanes converted from passenger airplanes to cargo airplanes per the STC SA1368SO, or SA1444SO, or SA1509SO and SA1667SO for the 727-100 Series airplane, and STC SA1509SO and SA1543SO, or SA1797SO and SA1798SO for the 727-200 Series airplane.
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Amended
STC Date: 05/09/01
Responsible Office: Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office (ANM-100L), Tel: (562) 627-5200
Boeing Company, The