Installation of an Executive Interior Certification Basis EASA IM.A.023The Certification Basis for the original product and the followingadditional or alternative airworthiness requirements are applicable tothis certificate/ approvalCRI H- 01The requirements for environmental protection and the associatedce (...) Limitations Configuration 1:EASA STC No. 10027223 Revision 1 dated 08 February 2010.FAA STC No. ST01730NY-D dated 14 January 2011.PATS Aircraft, LLC Master Drawing List 6049-0001-MDL, revision F dated01 July 2009.PATS Aircraft, LLC. Airplane Flight Manual Suppl (...) Conditions In this installation the maximum passenger seating capacityis limitedto 15.
Installation of an Executive Interior
Certification Basis
EASA IM.A.023The Certification Basis for the
original product and the followingadditional or
alternative airworthiness requirements are
applicable tothis certificate/ approvalCRI H-
01The requirements for environmental
protection and the associatedce (...)
Configuration 1:EASA STC No. 10027223
Revision 1 dated 08 February 2010.FAA STC
No. ST01730NY-D dated 14 January
2011.PATS Aircraft, LLC Master Drawing List
6049-0001-MDL, revision F dated01 July
2009.PATS Aircraft, LLC. Airplane Flight
Manual Suppl (...)
In this installation the maximum passenger
seating capacityis limitedto 15.
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Revision Level: REV. 2
STC Date: 12/07/12
Responsible Office: EASA