
STC Number
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VIASAT KA BAND OAE INSTALLATIONThis modification covers thedefinition and installation of "OutsideAircraft Equipment (OAE)" and associated wirings (from the OAE to theskin feed through connectors) Activation of the Wifi in cabin will bedealt later on under Minor Modification process.

Airbus A321

Product Description

VIASAT KA BAND OAE INSTALLATIONThis modification covers thedefinition and installation of "OutsideAircraft Equipment (OAE)" and associated wirings (from the OAE to theskin feed through connectors) Activation of the Wifi in cabin will bedealt later on under Minor Modification process.

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Revision Level REV. 1
STC Date: 24/01/19
Responsible Office:

A321-251NX, A321-252NX